FAQ: time slot surcharge during peak hours
Time slots in the truck appointment system
RWG continually strives to further optimise the logistical handling at the terminal. In this context, RWG has implemented a change for the time slots in the truck appointment system to better streamline the handling process at the terminal and optimise available capacity. RWG is operational around-the-clock and utilises 100% handling capacity for processing trucks during these times.
How does a time slot work?
A surcharge of €17.50 (from 1 April 2025 the rate changes tp €25 excluding VAT) is required for booking a time slot during peak hours, between 06:00 and 17:59 from Monday to Friday. The introduction of this change is a measure RWG has taken due to the high activity at the terminal during these times. It is important to achieve a better spread in the delivery and collection of containers by road. This is not only in RWG's interest but for the entire chain. With this measure, RWG aims to better utilise the occupation of time slots to achieve a more efficient flow of containers and make better use of available capacity.
Procedure via secure logistics
There are no other changes to the booking process. When an appointment is booked during peak hours, RWG charges a surcharge to the booking party. This invoice is sent by our partner, Secure Logistics. To ensure a smooth and efficient flow during the mentioned peak hours, we kindly request all truck operators to use their Secure Logistics account and log in to XS-ID Online. Then go to the company details page and scroll down until you reach the 'contracts' section. Here you can agree (green check mark) to RWG's General Terms and Conditions for booking time slots. Without agreement, it is not possible to book a time slot (even outside peak hours!). The actual invoicing of the surcharge started on Monday, 24 April 2023 at 06:00.
Frequently asked questions
Why is there a surcharge on time slots?
RWG aims to better streamline the handling process at the terminal and optimise available capacity. The introduction of this change is necessary for RWG due to the high activity at the terminal. For this, it is important to achieve a better spread in the delivery and collection of containers by road, also for the entire chain. With this measure, RWG aims to better utilise the occupation of time slots.
What if my requested time slot is moved to a time slot during peak hours?
The appointment can be changed to a time slot after peak hours.
What are peak hours and off-peak hours from Monday to Friday?
Peak hours are from 06:00 to 17:59. Off-peak hours are from 18:00 to 05:59. The surcharge applies from Monday to Friday. Time slots on public holidays that fall on weekdays (such as Easter Monday) do not incur a surcharge during peak hours. Overview of public holidays: New Year's Day, Easter Sunday and Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Sunday and Monday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, National Holiday (27 April, King's Day), Liberation Day (5 May, anniversary years).
What are the costs for a time slot during peak hours?
The rate per time slot during peak hours is € 17.50 excluding VAT (from 1 april 2025 the rate changes to €25 excl. VAT). Time slots are free during off-peak hours.
What if my CargoCard doesn't work and I miss my slot time as a result?
Report to RWG Security.
Booked time slots during peak hours can be cancelled up to a maximum of 30 minutes in advance. Timely cancelled time slots will not be invoiced.
Exceptional cases (such as breakdown en route)
Contact RWG Customer Service via customerservice@rwg.nl. We will consult with you whether and how to solve this.
What if I can't book time slots?
Check if the tick box for RWG's terms and conditions is activated in the XS-ID portal directly from Secure Logistics. If so, contact RWG Customer Service via customerservice@rwg.nl. Without agreement, it is not possible to book time slots.
EAN Number (Portbase information)
When your EAN number is not or no longer active, you may no longer be able to use Portbase's Container Hinterland Notification (MCA) service and the functionalities available within this service. An active EAN number is a requirement for the MCA service. Portbase wants to ensure that you can continue to use the MCA service. Therefore, they kindly but urgently request you to provide them with your company details and your active EAN number. You can do this by filling out the change form. You can tick "Service specific" here. Portbase will check these details upon receipt and contact you to discuss the next steps. After the process is completed, you can continue to use the MCA service.
What if something is not in order with the pre-notification (e.g. an incorrect document has been added)?
Time slots can be cancelled up to half an hour in advance. If it turns out that something is wrong with the pre-notification and this was not noticed in time, the surcharge for that time slot will be charged. It is therefore important to keep the administration in good order.
What are the rules regarding surcharges for a combined pre-notification?
Furthermore, the surcharge applies per time slot booking, not per container. When a combined pre-notification is possible, you pay the surcharge once.
RWG's General Terms and Conditions for Booking Time Slots
In addition to the applicable VRTO conditions, you can find RWG's general terms and conditions for booking time slots here.
Payment and invoicing
How do I pay for the time slot?
Payment is processed via the CargoCard, thanks to a link between the booking system and the access system. Please note: this is only possible if you have activated the XS-ID Pay contract in Secure Logistics B.V.'s XS-ID Online and agreed to the terms and conditions.
When do I need to pay for a time slot?
Booking a time slot during peak hours is binding, unless the following circumstances apply: Storm/weather conditions: Time slots are closed in advance. You will automatically receive a notification if you have booked and you can book a new time slot. You will be credited for the previously booked time slot. You will receive a new invoice for any new booking.
a. Time slots are closed. You will automatically receive a notification if you have booked and you can book a new time slot. You will be credited for the previously booked time slot. You will receive a new invoice for any new booking.
b. Time slots are extended. No credit note is sent because the time slot is automatically extended.
Can I only pay for my time slot via Secure Logistics?
Yes, this can only be done via Secure Logistics.
Who can I contact if I have questions about my invoice?
For questions about payments, invoices, or other finance-related queries, you can contact Finance at Finance@Secure-Logistics.nl. For content-related questions regarding time slots, you can contact RWG Customer Service via customerservice@rwg.nl. For general questions about using the XS-Key, you can contact CSD at +31(0)10-4367777 / rwg@secure-logistics.nl.
How does the payment process work?
You will receive a weekly collective invoice with a payment term of 30 days.
What are the payment options?
Invoices can be paid online directly to Secure Logistics via the XS-ID portal or via bank transfer to Secure Logistics' account.
The payment isn't working. What now?
There is always a possibility to pay outstanding invoices on time, either via the portal or via bank transfer. For questions, you can contact Secure Logistics via rwg@secure-logistics.nl.
How long does it take for the payment to be processed?
Payments are processed by Secure Logistics every working day. Please take into account the processing times of the banks involved; in the Netherlands, this is on average 1 working day, for foreign payments it's 2 to 3 working days. Ensure timely payment so that the amount is in Secure Logistics' account before the invoice due date.
What happens if payment is not made?
Please note that late payment can have consequences. If the payment term is exceeded, the account is automatically blocked for requests and reservations. Also, keep in mind that unblocking the account or XS-Key will incur charges.
How is the security of the payment guaranteed?
Follow the guidelines of your own bank.
Is it possible to make multiple payments at once?
It is possible to make multiple payments at once. This can be done easily by selecting the outstanding invoices in Secure Logistics' XS-ID portal and processing them in an online payment. This can also be done via bank transfer; make sure to clearly state the debtor and invoice numbers.
Who receives the invoice when a transport brokerage agency makes the pre-notification for fixed subcontractors?
The party making the pre-notification and thus booking the time slot receives the invoice.
Refund of CargoCard costs
CargoCards on which more than 60 time slots are booked per year are eligible for a refund of the subscription costs valid from the start date of this surcharge.
No shows
If you or your employee is not present at the booked time slot during peak hours, you will receive an invoice for the booked time slot. You must pay this invoice. The No Show Fee is not yet applicable; more information about this will follow in the future.
When can I expect the invoice?
Invoices will be sent weekly at a fixed time. Make sure that the correct name, address, and invoicing details are set in Secure Logistics' XS-ID portal.
What does the invoice look like?
For security reasons, the invoice only shows the number of booked time slots. It is possible to see more information via the XS-ID portal. Currently, it is possible to export the booked time slots from Portbase MCA Road. At Secure Logistics, time slots can be exported from XS-ID Online. Based on this, you can check everything. As of 05-02-2024, container numbers will be available in Secure Logistics' XS-ID portal.
Is VAT charged on the invoice regarding the time slots?
It is a service provided in the Netherlands, therefore VAT is due.